Energy Healing

Reiki Sessions

Are you searching for healing? Are you physically stressed or spiritually strained? Do you suffer from trapped emotional trauma? Lucy is certified Reiki Master Level 3. Reiki healing therapy is energy healing using life force or spirit to release disease (blocked energy) from the mind, body, and soul. Lucy uses the channeled energy of Spirit to heal the mind, body, and soul. Using her hands, she will locate blocked energy fields and discover areas in the body that need healing. Lucy will combine sound healing, aromatherapy, and the use of crystal energy to restore you to your optimal health – naturally. Lucy is able to perform healing Reiki remotely via phone using a photo. Try a Reiki healing session today!

A Certified Reiki Practitioner

The many healing benefits of Reiki with Lucy are listed below

Reiki Energy Healing Packages

$44 per 30 minutes of Reiki

$88 per hour Reiki

Intuitive Healing Messages:

Lucy is an intuitive healer. Emotional pain often leads to physical pain.

If you would like to recieve an inspirational message to guide you towards your life purpose, book a 15 minute private intuitive reading today.

$25 for 15 minute healing session.

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